What is Datalogging?
A data logging system involves a logger which records data from one or more inputs (sensors) and either displays or feeds the collected data to a computer to be viewed, analysed and stored by special software.
The data can be used to produce graphs and charts.
Data logging systems can capture and display data as it happens, collect data continuously or at regular intervals over long time periods. (Weeks, even months at a time).
Examples of datalogging in the laboratory might be the measuring and recording of sound, light or temperature. Everyday use includes weather stations and traffic flow systems.
Almost anything can be 'sensed' given the appropriate sensor. Movement, radiation, pH even the electronic 'smog' given off by mobile phones and computers. The LogIT range contains more than 30 different sensors.
Some of the LogIT data loggers send the information they collect wirelessly to the computer meaning the device can be sealed inside, for example, a plant incubator.